How To Write Your First Blog Post

Humphrey Hills
5 min readFeb 16, 2021

And Gain Confidence

How the heck do you come up with a blog idea and begin to write it if you have never done it before, but you have the desire to write?

Asphalt with dry leaves and chalk writing. “YOU GOT THIS”

Photo from Unsplash

If you’re new to blogging like me, you know this is a significant obstacle to overcome to get you on your way to becoming that blogger you want to be.

It’s not easy.

I have posted a few blogs on my website and LinkedIn, but I have never put together anything that was well organized and easy to digest for the reader.

Well, I have been working to correct that, and in this article, I will share with you the steps I have taken to become a better blogger and its side effects.

Writing helped me to become more organized and focused in my thinking and actions.

Blogging improved my forex trading by keeping me more organized and accountable for my trades (who wants to look bad on the internet).

I now write step-by-step instructions on anything I want to complete, which helps me find and remove gaps in my knowledge.

Blogging has helped me virtually meet and speak with people from all over the world, and it has opened up business opportunities for me.

I only wish I had started years ago.

Be Confident

It’s viral

Los Angeles Lakers Kobe Bryant taking a technical foul free-throw

Photo from Unsplash

Confidence (a feeling or consciousness of one’s powers or of reliance on one’s circumstances)

  • had perfect confidence in her ability to succeed


Confidence gives you a winning attitude; a winning attitude makes you take action; action puts you in the position to win; winning gives you trust — and the winning cycle continues.

It’s Easier Said Than Done

Building confidence is not easy.

Man cliff climbing with no shirt.

Photo from Unsplash

I have been working on myself, and I am still a work in progress — some quick advice. Read books on the subject and apply what you learn.

Some of the books that I found helpful:

Read/Study the books that resonate with you, take notes, create an action plan, follow the steps and advice you get from the books.

Start journaling your results.

Write down the things you may have done to receive a better outcome. Collect data.

Pearson’s Law:

“When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported back, the rate of improvement accelerates.”

Do Your Research

Just like anything else you need to study, you need to practice.

White library shelves full of books.

Photo from Unsplash

You have the internet, so use it to do more than watch cat videos and people doing weird things for laughs.

Use it to learn; use it to help you become your best self. Study other writers, join websites like Medium.

Connect With Like-Minded People

It would help if you learned from other success-oriented people.

Star trek trekker dressed in federation uniforms.

I have always been a loner type. I travel on my own; I work alone, I live alone. Ya, that’s been me for my life so far.

I have started connecting with others online, joining online communities like Tribeloyal. I am taking online courses to improve my life skills and computer science/logic skills.

Learning from others accelerates your growth and helps you learn from their mistakes.

Continue To Grow

Growth never stops.

Young plants sprouting out of black soil.

Photo by Maryna Bohucharska on Unsplash

As long as you are breathing and dreaming and have your faculties, please don’t stop working on yourself, don’t stop moving forward — no matter your age, your circumstances, your socio-economic background.

Continue to read, continue to get out there, meet people you can learn from and don’t forget to take care of your body. Success will become a byproduct of your new disciplines and desires.

Please keep working at it. Keep working on yourself; keep working on your relationships.

In Conclusion

Start moving towards your dreams right now.

Wide shot of bird soaring high with clouds in background

Photo from Unsplash

You don’t need to memorize and quote top authors or be smarter than anyone else. You only need to create a process that you can track and analyze to adjust as needed.

Just start and do something towards it consistently.

Take action now; don’t wait for the ideal time; don’t wait for the perfect message.

Please go out and do something, and do it consistently.

If you take the necessary steps, you will succeed. I have confidence in you.

If you have had an inspiring experience, an aha moment, or something that touched you that made you want to become a better person, please share in the comments.

Hopefully, you can motivate someone with your comment.

[Full Disclosure: As an affiliate, I receive compensation if you purchase through some of the links on this page. Plus, you’ll help me build confidence and create more helpful content.]



Humphrey Hills

Independent thinker who loves technology, discovery and helping others to grow